Short attention spans

Does your L&D strategy address short attention spans?

The average attention span of a person has decreased from 12 seconds to less than eight seconds. This implies that our attention spans are decreasing, as our lives become more packed with gadgets, applications, and gadgets.

Even though the average attendance is only eight seconds, some people are reportedly struggling with an attention span of just four seconds. With such short attention spans, learning and development (L&D) strategies need to adjust as well.

In this article, we’ll look at several methods you may use in your L&D strategy to overcome short attention spans.

Short attention spans

Microlearning has become a popular method of delivering information as attention span decreases for learners and other traditional training methods take longer than intended. Microlearning is an effective way to handle short attention spans because it delivers content in short chunks. However, microlearning is not just for short attention spans; it also provides a platform for all types of learning styles, including visual and auditory learners. Microlearning might be a silver bullet in your L&D arsenal for today’s fast-paced world.


By implementing gamification in your learning and development strategy, you can make the process of understanding material more enjoyable for employees. It’s been repeatedly demonstrated that this method works well to boost results by piquing learners’ interest in content strands or accomplishments, rather than relying on old-fashioned lectures/lectures + reading texts. However, gamification is more than just taking ideas from games and adding them to non-game contexts to encourage engagement, retention, and motivation. Gamification should be grounded in a well-founded gamification strategy to make it work for your L&D.

Video-based Learning: 

Videos are a great way to engage employees and deliver knowledge. According to an article in Learning Solutions Magazine, video drives huge engagement; video is the second most engaging medium (after interactive content) and video-based elements can increase learning effectiveness by 80%. Employees are more likely to retain information longer than text or audio alone after watching video content. This mode of learning effectively enhances self-learning and engages learners’ attention throughout courses.

Collaborative Learning: 

Collaborative learning is also a great way to engage learners. Collaboration enables employees to learn from each other and helps them master new knowledge faster than they would work only with the content itself. This method of learning may be used for company-wide skill-building, bringing teams together, or encouraging individuals to develop their skills outside of normal work hours. Most importantly, collaboration is an effective way to engage employees, reduce monotony, boost participation, and capture learners’ attention.

Just-in-time Training: 

Just-in-time training is a kind of training that provides employees with immediate value. This way, they stay focused on their current tasks and deliver results immediately. A great example of just-in-time training is providing a security guard with key information when the guard starts working from a new location. In other words, it’s about giving employees what they need, when they need it. You can employ it as a part of your L&D strategy to provide employees with quick snippets of knowledge to keep their attention as they move from task to task throughout the workday.

Attention spans are getting shorter than ever, but that doesn’t mean learning and development (L&D) strategies need to suffer. We’ve looked at several of those methods in this article, including microlearning, gamification, video-based learning, collaboration, and just-in-time training that you can use to overcome short attention spans and keep your employees engaged in their training. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the ones that will work best for your employees.

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